Upcoming events

Print Competition
Program - Natural light portrait photography - Bill Woody
This program is meant to be inspirational to encourage photographing people and portraits in natural light, to encourage the study of light as used by artists in the past, and artists today. Bill will share a personal history about sliding into the natural light photography of people, will discuss the difficulty and the beauty of natural light and of the resulting images.

Projection Competition - Themed category is Recreate Song Title (can caption title on image)
Program - Still life photography - Bob Hawkins
Bob is creating some of the most captivating still life photographs you have ever seen. He will discuss ways you too can make winning photos without even leaving your home.
Pre-meeting @ 6:30pm
Print Competition
Program - Live judging with comments
Ever wonder what the judges are considering when judging your images? This program will be a mock competition with the judges commenting live as they judge each image.
Projection Competition - Themed category is Digital Effects
Program - Including Context in your photography - Barb Rose
Wouldn't it be great if images could maximize context—what viewers see and know about a scene? They can. This presentation will include several examples of photographic projects and techniques that explore photographic use of “context”—related visual elements beyond those in a single image that help define or explain story or subject.
Pre-meeting @ 6:30pm

No Competition
Program - Photography in Amish Country - Ron Wilson
This presentation will discuss the question, “Can you photograph Amish?” We will look at where the Amish are located and the best places to go to see them. We’ll talk about opportunities to get close, interact and photograph them. You’ll get tips on what to say to them.

Projection Competition - Themed category is People at Work
Program - Creating winning photos - Paul Bruce, Bill Woody
You really like your photos but they are not getting the ribbons you hoped for. Paul and Bill will discuss what they do to create winning images. Using before and after comparisons, you will learn how to make your photos the best they can be.
Pre-meeting @ 6:30pm - Introduction to Layers in Photoshop

Print Competition
Program - Photography in Amish Country - Ron Wilson
This presentation will discuss the question, “Can you photograph Amish?” We will look at where the Amish are located and the best places to go to see them. We’ll talk about opportunities to get close, interact and photograph them. You’ll get tips on what to say to them.

Projection Competition - Themed category is Generations (of people)
Program - Improving your photos - Member panel
Several Tripod members will present their methods and techniques for improving their competition images. This is always a great way to learn new techniques and be inspired by fresh ideas.
Pre-meeting @ 6:30pm - Targeted Lightroom adjustments - Ron Wilson

Print Competition
Program - Organizing your photos- Paul Bruce
Having trouble finding your photos? Feeling like your photos are disorganized? This program will provide recommendations on how to set up your digital photo library. It will include consolidation ideas, using internal or external hard drives and organizational suggestions. The concepts will apply whether you use Adobe Bridge, Lightroom or anything else.

Print Competition
Program - AI - You see it but should you Believe it? - Stephen Goldberg
The world of AI is having an enormous impact on photography. Join us as we explore several AI based tools, some of which simply improve the quality of ordinary photos, and others that can totally transform a photo, creating “something out of nothing”.

Projection Competition - Themed category is Shadows
Program - People at Work - Bill Franz
Bill has spent countless hours photographing people at work in and around Dayton. Bill will show examples of his photographs and talk about how to find, approach and photograph people at work. This will be good advice for the People at Work themed competition later this year.
Pre-meeting @ 6:30pm - Global adjustments in Lightroom - Ron Wilson

Print Competition
Program - Street Photography - Richard Marquardt
Richard will talk about the definition of street photography, whether it is legal, what equipment works well. He will also discuss good techniques/exposure and types of street photography with plenty of examples for inspiration. Richard has focused on street photography for the past 14 years. Richard has won Photographer of the Year twice in a Columbus, Ohio, camera club.
Meeting canceled
Due to water damage at the church the meeting has been canceled.
Please watch your email, this web site and our Facebook pages for updates on the Oct 22 meeting.

Projection Competition - Themed category is Hometown Spirit
Program - Shooting Panoramic photos - Kendall Draeger
This program will provide tips for successfully shooting panoramic photos. At the conclusion of the program we’ll ask members to also share what techniques and software they use with their cameras and phones for creating panoramic photos.
Pre-meeting @ 6:30pm - Sizing images for projection competition - Ron Wilson

Print Competition
Program - Focus Stacking - Kevin Marano
Want to go beyond f/22? Focus stacking can greatly expand the depth of field of your photo. Kevin will explain focus stacking and show how to use it for macro photography. He will show the equipment and software that he uses for focus stacking.